Greenwood bridge opens | News |

2022-10-01 06:12:05 By : Ms. Tracy Lei

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Clear. Low 48F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.

On Friday, July 29, the Clay County Commission, along with County Administrator Dianna Wright, Clay County Highway Department, Great River Associates and Boone Construction Company cut the ribbon for the completion of the new Greenwood Bridge over Fishing River.

On Friday, July 29, the Clay County Commission, along with County Administrator Dianna Wright, Clay County Highway Department, Great River Associates and Boone Construction Company cut the ribbon for the completion of the new Greenwood Bridge over Fishing River.

CLAY COUNTY — On Friday, July 29, the Clay County Commission, along with County Administrator Dianna Wright, Clay County Highway Department, Great River Associates and Boone Construction Company cut the ribbon for the completion of the new Greenwood Bridge over Fishing River.

“The celebration recognizes nearly five years of hard work,” states a county release.

The original Greenwood bridge opened in 1935. In August of 2017, Missouri Department of Transportation inspectors closed the bridge because of advanced rusting and section loss in critical stress areas of the bridge.

At 24-feet wide, the new Greenwood Bridge is nearly twice the width of the previous bridge.

“People now have the ability to get across here with farm equipment, school buses and regular traffic, so this is a really great upgrade,” said Clay County Presiding Commissioner Jerry Nolte.

In addition to widening the bridge, the project also raised and reinforced 200 feet of roadway that frequently flooded and washed out, states the county release.

Clay County hired Great River Associates of Springfield to design the bridge and perform inspections. The County also contracted with Boone Construction Company of Columbia to handle the construction.

The total project cost is $1.25 million. The county was reimbursed 80% of the cost through the Federal Highway Administration’s Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation program, which provides funding to counties to replace or rehabilitate deficient bridges.

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